Mission Statement
fu·sion (fy zh n) noun.
- The merging of different elements into a union.
- The blending of different elements to form a larger nucleus with the simultaneous release of energy.
- A combination of different ingredients and techniques from very different cultures or countries.
Fusion Journal is an international, open access online scholarly journal publishing refereed articles, creative works and other practice-led forms of output. Co-founded by the Faculty of Arts and Education, Charles Sturt University (Australia) and the College of Arts, University of Lincoln (UK).
Aims and Scope
Fusion Journal aims to:
- provide a space where the blurring of different disciplinary, cultural, local, national and global ideas and creative practices can flourish;
- increase scholarly appreciation of transdiscplinarity, transculturalism and transnationalism in the creative and cultural industries: arts, media and communication;
- encourage early career researchers by offering the opportunity to work alongside established researchers in the editorial, peer reviewing and writing processes;
- share the benefits of transnational collaboration and discussion of issues seen through the lens of fusion and hybridisation; and
- foster critical awareness of the dialogic fusion produced between globalisation and regionalism.
Fusion Journal is also open to reviews and commissioned articles. Appearing twice a year, each issue is organised around a theme involving the fusion of two or more ideas, disciplines or cultures, and edited by a small team of guest editors whose research interests reflect the particular theme. The editorial teams include at least one early career researcher or Higher Degree Research student – refer to Submissions.
Journal Indexing and Archiving
Fusion Journal is indexed in:
The Australian Research Council’s ERA 2018 Journal List (ERA ID 200537): Search ERA 2018 Journal List
Informit (a database providing relevant and specialist Australian content): Search Informit
The Directory of Open Access Journals (an independent online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer reviewed journals): Search DOAJ
Ulrichsweb (a subscription provider of bibliographic and publisher information on academic and scholarly journals): Search Ulrichsweb (subscription required)
Trove (a repository of full text digital resources relating to Australia): Search Trove
Fusion Journal is archived in:
PANDORA (a digital archive of the National Library of Australia): Search Pandora
Charles Sturt University Research Output (CRO database): Search CRO
Please direct enquiries to the Fusion Journal Managing Editor.