Personal development: A voyage of discovery

Allan Barton

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This paper begins with you being asked a question: “What is the purpose of your life?” It then tells the story of Allan’s personal voyage of discovery. On his voyage he found his answer to this question, and answers to many other difficult questions. This led him to the firm belief that people should consciously develop themselves and be able to answer difficult questions about and for themselves. Looking at his journey through the lens of care, he realised his voyage started with his personal development. As his career developed, and he became a business leader, he realised his role was to work with others to make work a life enriching experience for all involved. He is now working to help change the way we use the planet’s resources. His journey follows the model of care through self, others and the planet. He uses examples from his journey to demonstrate how he has come to his firm belief that “If more people took personal responsibility and consciously developed themselves, maybe they too would come to the conclusion that working with and for others we could live in harmony once again with our wonderful planet.” Finally, he shares his personal answer to the question: “What is the purpose of your life?”


Why; Purpose; Personal Development; Enriching; Wonderful; Shine Wisely

To cite this article

Barton, Allan. “Personal Development: A Voyage of Discovery.” Fusion Journal, no. 12, 2017, pp. 51-67.

First published online: 22 November 2017

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