Within and between: Integrative performer training and the sword

James Harrison

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This article explores the notion that some of the many exigencies of performance could be addressed by implementing key elements of Kendo, a Japanese martial art that involves the use of a practice sword, in training. Pivotal to this work is the notion that increasing the demands placed on the muscles used for breath and subsequent vocalisation in a training environment prepares the performer for easier vocalisation in performance. A series of exercises have been devised to explore these concepts, as well as investigating further uses for the sword in performer training.


Actor Training; Kendo; Voice; Movement; Integrative Practices; Sword; Martial Arts

To cite this article

Harrison, James. “‘Within and between: Integrative performer training and the sword.” Fusion Journal, no. 15, 2019, pp. 71-84. http://www.fusion-journal.com/within-and-between-integrative-performer-training-and-the-sword/

First published online: March 2019

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