Vocal resonance: Optimising source-filter interactions in voice training

Zac Bradford

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The purpose of this article is to assist the voice practitioner in their teaching practice. This article will link information relating to source/filter interactions to practical application. Through the understanding and application of these concepts, one can elicit consistent positive change in students’ voices. Furthermore, the practices discussed in this article will provide vocalists with a tangible way of repeating optimal voice production. Readers of this article will likely have different levels of familiarity with this information. I aim to persuade the reader that understanding concepts related to vocal resonance can be advantageous to voice practitioners. I hope to convince any sceptics of its importance to reconsider and explore this topic further. Understanding the scientific terminology and how the elements within resonance connect to each other may be an obstacle for some. The theory regarding vocal resonance is a key element in making voice practitioners more effective in their work. This article will provide a starting point for organising this information in a logical way and provide clear strategies for how this information could be used to enhance the teaching of voice.


Voice; Pedagogy; Resonance; Acoustics; Singing; Teaching

To cite this article

Bradford, Zac. “Vocal resonance: Optimising source-filter interactions in voice training.” Fusion Journal, no. 15, 2019, pp. 47-70. http://www.fusion-journal.com/vocal-resonance-optimising-source-filter-interactions-in-voice-training/

First published online: March 2019

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